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Research and Development
Dive into a transformative educational experience with Dentaprime – dedicated to molding the next generation of world-class implantologists.
Dentaprime is one of the largest and most modern dental clinics in Europe. That is not by accident. In order to remain up-to-date as a dental clinic and to be able to offer patients the best possible treatments, Dentaprime relies on constant research and development.
Find out everything about our conference contributions, publications in leading journals indexed in Scopus, the Future of Dentistry Award @Dentaprime, current development projects and our research and development partners.

ERASMUS + KA220-HED 0C8D3623 – Cooperation partnership in higher education
The Dentaprime Dental Clinic is participating in an international project together with European partners from a total of five countries, represented by ACEEU GmbH – GERMANY, AIDLEARN Consultoria em Recursos Humanos, Lda. – PORTUGAL, Bulgarian Association of Ergonomics and Human Factors (BAEHF) – BULGARIA, OBUDAI EGYETEM (University Coordinator) – HUNGARY, and UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE CATALUNYA – SPAIN.
HEDY is a project that aims to offer online courses (“massive open online courses” or MOOC for short) for participants free of charge and freely accessible, with interactive forums that focus on life with artificial intelligence.
Conference papers
7th World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security, and Sustainability
Dental technician Diana Pavlova gave a remarkable presentation at the 7th World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security, and Sustainability (WorldS4 2023) in London, UK. The conference took place from August 21 to 24, 2023 and offered both physical and digital participation options.
The WorldS4 2023 Conference was jointly organized by Team WorldS4, Global Knowledge Research Foundation and G R Scholastic LLP India. A physical event was held at America Square in London on August 21, 2023, while the digital conference took place via the ZOOM platform on August 23 and 24, 2023.
The WorldS4 2023 conference offered a wide range of insights into the latest trends in systems, security and sustainability and has undoubtedly contributed to expanding knowledge and promoting innovation in these areas.
8th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology
File Formats and digital data transfer for dental needs, author; principal specialists Diana Pavlova, Dr. Dimo Daskalov, Team TU-VARNA, Poznan University of Technology; 8th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, London, United Kingdom | February 20 – 23 2023.
Seventh International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications
Technological and Human Approach in Complete Restoration of the Dental Teeth Jaws with Biocompatible Materials, Author: Diana Pavlova , TU-Varna, BAEHF, Poznań University of Technology. Confence: Seventh International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications, Jaipur, India during January 24 – 25, 2023.
The scientific paper will be printed in:
International Conference on materials science, engineering & technology
All books published in the series are submitted for consideration in Web of Science. ICМSET will be organized in a hybrid mode- SEPTEMBER 07-09, 2023
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2021
The 12th “International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics” is organized by the AHFE 2021 and will take place from July 25th to 29th, 2021 in New York. The aim of the conference is to provide an international forum for the dissemination and exchange of scientific information on theoretical, generic and applied areas of human factors and ergonomics. A wide range of research and application topics are expected to be covered during the conference.
Dental technician Diana Pavlova from Dentaprime will work in cooperation with Ass. Prof. Dr. Tihomir Dovramadjiev from the Varna University of Technology will present a paper at a session of the conference on July 29.
The topic of the paper is “Information and communication technology application in healthcare with computer-aided design of immediate partial dentures”.
Following the conference, we will make the abstract available for download here.
International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies 2021
The 5th “International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies” is organized by the Fondation EFOM Boris Dolto, in Paris, France. It will take place from August 27th to 29th, 2021. The topic of the conference is the further development of healthcare through artificial intelligence.
Dental technician Diana Pavlova from Dentaprime will work in cooperation with Ass. Prof. Dr. Tihomir Dovramadjiev from Varna University of Technology will present a paper at a session of the conference on August 29th.
The paper presented deals with: “Healthcare System Sustainability by Application of Advanced Technologies in Telemedicine and eHealth”.
Following the conference, we will make the abstract available for download here.
International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications 2021
The 4th “International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications”, organized by IHSED 2021, will take place from September 23rd to 25th at the University of Dubrovnik in Croatia. The IHSED 2021 conference aims to provide a global forum for discussing novel design and systems engineering approaches. The areas of industry, business, government and education are addressed.
Dental technician Diana Pavlova from Dentaprime will work in cooperation with Ass. Prof. Dr. Tihomir Dovramadjiev from the Varna University of Technology will present a paper at a session of the conference on September 24th.
The topic of the presented paper is: “Digital Visualization of Biological Processes to Depict Human Physics”.
Following the conference, we will make the abstract available for download here.
Using zircon for crowns
Application of zirconium in dentistry for creating dental crowns, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1235 (2022) 012026, IOP Publishing, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1235/1/012026. Author: Diana Pavlova with Team TU- Varna, The 25th Edition of IManEE 2021 International Conference (IMANEE, Romania 2021) 21/10/2021 – 22/10/2021 Online, Accepted papers received: 02 March 2022, Published online: 31 March 2022.
Revolutionize smile design with modern software
Advanced method for smile design through specialized dental software. SIM 2021 Essence and basic concepts of electronic banking, SPRINGER, Authors : D.Pavlova, J. Radeva, T. Dovramadjiev Conference: SIM 2021, 16th International Symposium in Management: Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Challenging Global Times, 22-23 October 2021, Timisoara, Romania Web of Science The proceedings was published by Springer, in the “Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering” Series, ISSN 21980772: https://www. –
eHealth in dentistry
Healthcare System Sustainability by Application of Advanced Technologies in Telemedicine and eHealth. Author: Diana Pavlova, TU-VARNA Conference: Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V. International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies – IHIET 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systemsthis, 2022, 319, pp. 1011-1017, Springer , Cham. Scopus.the work was printed in :

Fast & fixed therapy concept – even for periodontitis profunda
(Author: Dr. Regina Schindjalova, published in the Implantology Journal, issue 8/2012)
In recent years, the Fast & Fixed procedure has proven to be a successful and efficient treatment alternative to conventional implantation. Especially because it allows the implant to be loaded from day one.
Patients who want a fixed restoration particularly benefit from this procedure. Even if you suffer from severe consequences of periodontitis.
Dr. In this specialist publication, Regina Schindjalova describes the case of a patient who had to have all of her remaining teeth extracted after severe periodontitis. The degree of mobility of the natural teeth was too high and the patient could only eat soft food. She came to the Dentaprime dental clinic with the desire to finally get solid teeth again.
Dr. Schindjalova used the Fast & Fixed procedure on her, placing five implants in the upper jaw and four implants in the lower jaw. Using an innovative method, impressions were then taken over the implants and both jaws were ultimately provided with long-term temporary restorations.

Not only suitable for completely edentulous jaws
(Author: Dr. Regina Schindjalova, published in DZW – Die ZahnWoche, issue 11/13)
While the Fast & Fixed procedure is primarily used in edentulous jaws, it is by no means only suitable for this purpose. Dr. Regina Schindjalova describes the case of a patient who was toothless in the right upper jaw.
She used a modified version of the Fast & Fixed procedure so that the upper jaw could be treated. She placed three implants and then provided them with a long-term temporary. With the partial fast & fixed procedure, it is important that the fit of the implants is planned and implemented in connection with and depending on the remaining natural teeth.

Nasal floor elevation as a treatment option for bone formation in the front
(Author: Dr. Regina Schindjalova, published in DI – Dental Implantology and Periodontology)
Not all bone building is the same – the bone building process must be adapted to the circumstances at different points in the jaw. Things become difficult when there is no longer enough bone in the front area for an implantation. For various reasons, it is not always possible to use neighboring regions for implantation, for example because there is no longer enough bone substance there either. What to do?
In this specialist publication, Dr. Regina Schindjalova examined the case of a 47-year-old patient who wanted fixed dentures. After initial examinations, it became clear that she did not have enough bone in the front to ensure safe implantation. The floor of the nose also had an irregular structure. Nasal floor elevation was performed to rebuild the missing bone. For this purpose, a small bone window was opened to the floor of the nose into which bone replacement material is inserted. After healing and bone formation, implants were inserted.

Immediate implantation in retrospect – A study on the success and failure of implantations
(Author: Dr. Regina Schindjalova, published in zzi – Magazine for Dental Implantology, 01/2014)
Immediate implants offer options that are not available with conventional implantation: immediate care and stress, time and sometimes also cost savings. But are immediate implants really safe?
In her retrospective study, Dr. Dr. Schindjalova data from 30 patients, all of whom received implant restorations (SKY fast & fixed, 208 in total). Their results show: “The fast & fixed restoration has proven itself to be a reliable method of implantation.”
With a success rate of 100 percent (or 98.08 percent) for implantations and 100 percent for prosthetic care, it proves that immediate implantation with angled and axial implants is safe and successful.

The young old ones
(Author: ZTM Peter Meier, published in Cosmetic Dentistry, 04/2014)
Beauty and aesthetics are two important aspects in modern dentistry and dental technology. New fittings should look particularly good and increase the wearer’s attractiveness. In his specialist article, ZTM Peter Meier describes what responsibility the dental technician has in his advisory and executive function.
Ultimately, it is not only important that the new dentures are brilliantly white, but also that they optimally match the patient’s appearance. And can still appear natural.

Future of Dentistry Award @Dentaprime
The Future of Dentistry Award @Dentaprime honors particularly outstanding scientific work in the field of dental implantology. “In order to support and encourage young scientists at universities, we have created the Future of Dentistry Award,” explains Dr. Dr. Regina Schindjalova, scientific director of the Dentaprime dental clinic in Bulgaria.
As a dental clinic, Dentaprime relies on research work at universities in order to be able to further optimize the treatment of patients. In the submitted works, particular attention is paid to the points of innovation and practical relevance.
The Future of Dentistry Award is endowed with 3,000 euros.

Current development projects
A project that we at the Dentaprime dental clinic are currently working on is the world’s first approved implant for treatment without an abutment. This implant was developed by our partner, the Swiss implant manufacturer “TRI Dental Implants”.
Sandro Venanzoni (l.) and Dr. Klaus Werner
Following CE approval, TRI Dental Implants is now conducting long-term studies and collaborating with various universities and expert teams across Europe – including Dentaprime.
In November 2020, Holger Kast and Sandro Venanzoni from TRI Dental Implants were guests at Dentaprime in Varna to test the new matrix implant system. In Varna, over 25 implants were placed on four patients over three days – from complete restorations to larger bridges and individual crowns.
“In Dentaprime, we have found a partner who really has the most modern equipment,” says Sandro Venanzoni from TRI Dental Implants. “We are extremely proud and grateful to be working with Dentaprime Dental Clinic.”
Dentaprime and TRI Dental Implants look forward to further testing to discover the full potential of the Matrix Implants.

Research and development partner
TRI Dental Implants
For two and a half years, the Dentaprime dental clinic has been working closely with the Swiss manufacturer TRI Dental Implants and sources all of its implants from there. However, this is not a simple business relationship, but rather a technical development partnership from which both sides benefit greatly. We are currently jointly testing the world’s first approved matrix implant without an abutment.

Varna Technical University
Dentaprime is closely linked to the Varna University of Technology. This partnership is characterized by joint training, research and development.